Today our hearts are full of joy and gratitude as we announce a project near and dear to us. “TCGive” is the philanthropic arm of Those Carls Girls, an ambitious initiative to empower women the world over.

From today onward, every time you purchase a TCG Weekender we’ll be contributing 25 dollars to a female entrepreneur in the developing world. Notice we say “contribute,” not “donate.”

After months of consultation with Social Responsibility experts we landed on a plan bigger than we’d ever imagined. Working with certified local lenders in places like Liberia and East Timor, TCG is now a fully functioning “micro-lender;” actively providing loans to women across the globe.

The beauty of the program is that instead of being a ONE TIME donation, your contribution becomes a PERMANENT force for good. Over time as each loan is repaid we *re-invest* these funds with ANOTHER female entrepreneur, then another, then another. As we continue to re-capitalize, your ONE TIME purchase of a TCG bag will help hundreds of individual women for decades to come.

The women we work with include artists and artisans, merchants, farmers, builders and eco-warriors alike. Some are single mothers, some are refugees. Some are saving for supplies, others a supply of water. They speak many languages, all face unique challenges but they share a common dream: to build a better life for themselves and their families. Their dream is ours. Our company is a family company. Before a single bag was shipped, before a single stitch was sewn, there were us sisters. If we never make it to Bergdorf, if we never crack Oprah’s list, our work on THIS would make it all worthwhile.

Our fully transparent lending platform is open for all to behold. We built it like this for a reason, when you see the images, read the stories and realize the impact, you’ll be as awestruck as we are. Get involved, get inspired, get in touch.

Welcome to TCGive.

Written by Michael Infante

Making a difference, one bag at a time.