We are “Those Carls Girls.” It’s a moniker applied to us our entire lives, one that’s now become our brand! Three sisters, deeply connected as mothers, roommates, friends and now—in perhaps our most fun era yet—as partners in business and design. In many ways—including quite literally—this company has been a lifetime in the making. Our mother, Rita was our greatest influence in fashion, home decor and all things stylish. Our father, Keith Valentine Carls was the super glue that kept us connected: a family of eight, always together.

We are California-raised but ended up in New York City where we began our professional careers, all in a single SoHo apartment (with purple wooden floors)! And while we’ve long since spread out: back to Connecticut, Chicago and Nantucket (via California), our brand reflects the cities we’ve lived in and love.

Our motto: “Keep Style Alive,” is more than a slogan. It’s a mission, a vision, a lifestyle, even! In a way it’s what we’ve always been about: from art, interiors, music, food, and fashion (naturally). Style is alive for us, everywhere we look.

Most importantly; it’s an homage to our upbringing, to our parents, to whom we owe it all. Our sense of beauty, style—and just a little luxury—come from Keith & Rita. Style icons before their time, our original “influencers,” an example to all of us: their like of the finer things, their love of us and each other—their legacy, “carried on” in every bag.